Friday, May 29, 2009

Influenza update

There has been a lot of information in the press regarding the H1N1 virus that has now reached Victoria.

Presently the CFA are monitoring the situation and will provide further information/action if and when it is deemed necessary.

The best way to ensure that the risks of this (and more common) strains of influenza are to use the following steps:

  • hand washing with appropriate disinfectants (additional disinfectant hand wash has been ordered);
  • decontamination of surfaces;
  • particular attention to high-risk areas such as food preparation, bathrooms and toilets;
  • use of face masks (additional face masks in case of outbreak are being distributed to catchments today);
  • early detection and isolation of persons with flu-like symptoms (members with any of the following symptoms: high temperature, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion should not attend CFA premises until cleared by a health professional);
  • managing the return to service of all members from overseas travel (a wait of 7 days following return from overseas before attending CFA premises).

If you have any queries, please contact me.


Shane Leversha
Manager Human Resources
Region 14