Friday, October 29, 2010

New radios - Radio Replacement Project

Dear all.

Please see the below information regarding the radio replacement project. For you information, District 14 is going to be involved in the first round of the replacement program.

Forum Q & A

• About the new radios
• About the user feedback survey
• About the rollout
• Training
• Radio Allocation Policy

About the new radios

Why are we changing the radios?

The current radios are rapidly approaching their end of life so we need to move forward to the next generation and prepare for the future.

Are we purchasing Digital Radios?

The Tait radios are both digital and analogue in operation.

Why aren't we going straight to Digital?

There isn't currently a Digital Network that we can use across the State; however, the (Regional) Radio Dispatch Service Project will partially deliver this to Regional Victoria in the next few years.

Why aren't we using MMR?

The Metropolitan Mobile Radio network doesn't extend across regional Victoria. Also, it operates in the UHF band, which makes it less suitable in forested areas. CFA operate on the VHF band.

What accessories are available?

There are a range of accessories available, with details to be provided soon. The purchase of the radios will include the accessories required to support their operational use. Some specialist users will need to have interfaces for their existing equipment.

Will this radio access SMR?

The Tait radios will not support the analogue SMR trunking network, but where analogue trunking is operationally essential vehicles will retain their current Motorola SMR radios as well.

Will do the radios look like?

(Geoff: no pictures provided)
Mobile radio Portable radio Hand held control head for mobile radios

About the user feedback survey

Has the User Feedback Survey finished?

Yes, the survey data was compiled on 10 March 2010. However, sample radio kits continued to be made available to brigades during April to allow additional members to view them.

Which districts were involved?

Districts 2, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 23 all received radio kits, so we had a really good spread of user views from a variety of different brigade types.

How many brigades were consulted?

Over 76 brigades have surveyed the sample radios up to mid-March and many more since.

About the rollout

When will we get our new radios?

We will be rolling out the radios on a District by District basis starting in December this year. The current plan by District is as follows:

Will the new radio replace the old radio?

Generally yes, however for some SMR users there will be dual-fit requirements.

Will we get more radios?

There will not be a reduction in radios within a District. The Program is purchasing more radios than are currently in the field and anticipate additional radios being provided due to the application of the new Radio Allocation Policy.


How will I be trained?

There will be a range of training provided prior to the rollout of the Tait radios. It is planned for each Brigade to have face to face training in analogue and then again prior to the commencement of the operations in digital.

When will I be trained?

Prior to radio delivery and ideally no more than a month before.

Where will I be trained?

In your District, probably at your brigade.

How can I be involved?

We'll be looking for "Champions" to assist with the rollout of training and support of the new radios. Contact your Regional Training Manager if you're interested in helping.

Will my RRP Training be included in TRAIN?

Yes, it can be.

Radio Allocation Policy

Thank you to all the Volunteers and career firefighters who provided feedback on the Discussion Paper.

A link to the CFA Board approved Radio Allocation Policy will be available on this web page when Board approval is given.