Friday, December 9, 2011

Fiskville Update #2

In this latest update I can advise you that former deputy chairman of the EPA Rob Joy has accepted a role to chair the Fiskville investigation.

With 25 years’ experience in environment protection and resource management, his credentials are exemplary.

These issues are complex and we expect the investigation will take some time.

We are also moving quickly to finalise arrangements for CFA members and their families to access medical advice via phone and online if they need to. Those who have spent time at Fiskville will understandably be concerned by the reports.

It’s important to remember that these allegations date back up to 30 years and current practices are significantly changed from those times.

We have no evidence suggesting any risk to current visitors or users of the facilities at Fiskville.

The team at Fiskville is being regularly briefed on the issues stemming back to the 1970s, 80s and mid 1990s. Thank you to the team at Fiskville for your work to date.

WorkSafe has now undertaken an inspection of the site and made relevant enquiries. CFA will continue to keep Worksafe informed.

An initial review by CFA’s workplace hygienist has found no risk.

We are also working with the Environmental Protection Authority.

And we’ve made contact with the key people featured in media reports, seeking further information.

For CFA members, past or present, or their families who may have concerns about the allegations or have information that may be relevant to the investigation, we have set up an email enquiry line: or 9262 8931.

We will provide further updates as information comes to hand.

Our people, past and present, are our priority.

Mick Bourke