Monday, September 27, 2010

Training Visit to VicFire & FIRS

Hi all

We are arranging a visit to VICFIRE & FIRS located at CFA Head Quarters Tally Ho on Monday 8th November 2010.  This is to familiarise ourselves with how VICFIRE take 000 calls and turn us out. 

Also we will visit the FIRS Reporting section.  All fires have to be reported on by contacting FIRS so you can see how and why we do this!!! If you want to find out more about FIRS go to CFA Connect as there was an article about them a few weeks ago.

The plan is to take 20 people per visit.  When we get to CFA Head Quarters 10 will go to VICFIRE & 10 will go to FIRS then we will swap around.

If we get more that 20 people wanting to attend we can can arrange another visit for the remaining members on the Monday 16th November.

So please email or call Geoff or myself to put your name down. For new members this is must, you will be able to put a face to a voice that you hear over the radio and get a proper understanding on how the despatching system works...

Kind Regards

Michael Chapman