Friday, October 29, 2010

Busting bushfire myths

The video for "Busting Bushfire Myths" session at RiAus is up on Vimeo.

Bushfires are a dangerous and all too common part of the Australian summer. Yet recent research by the South Australian Country Fire Service has uncovered the myths, misconceptions, half-truths and downright lies about bushfires. Many who live, work or travel through bushfire-prone areas are not even aware that they could be at risk. Are you one of them?

In this interactive and entertaining session, ABC TV Catalyst presenter Graham Phillips and an expert panel of fire scientists present some common and dangerous bushfire scenarios. Would you know what to do in a real-life situation? Can you distinguish the myths from the truth? By understanding the basic scientific principles of bushfire behaviour you'll be better prepared to plan for and survive bushfires.

Join us for a fascinating night of fun that could one day save your life.

In association with the SA Country Fire Service, SA Dept of Environment & Natural Resources and ABC TV.

Fiona Dunstan
Manager Community Education and Public Warnings
SA Country Fire Service