Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Commission Report: media support

Hi all

As most of you would know, the interim findings of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission were released today Monday, 17 August. It is anticipated that CFA will receive numerous requests from media to respond to findings in the Commission's Report. Already, local media have sought ‘local’ comment on the Commission’s report, despite it just being released and members not having the opportunity to properly review the report.

If you or members of your brigade are contacted by the media for comment and are unsure of how to respond, you can simply say ‘no comment’ or refer all enquiries back to Region 14 and specifically, Kris Perkovic, on mobile: 0400 986 954.

Kind regards

Kris Perkovic
Media & Marketing Coordinator
CFA Outer Metro Norwest Area