Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rebuilding Expo

On Saturday November 28th from 11.00am to 4.00pm the Strathewen and St Andrews Joint Rebuilding Group will run a Rebuilding Expo on Ryder’s Flat in Arthurs Creek opposite the CFA station.

Having run nine very successful forums on planning, design, building and material issues we have a wealth of information to share. The Expo will consist of presentations by building experts who have impressed us with their depth of knowledge and the importance of their information to the rebuilding task.
Like our very successful Building Forums the presentations will be of assistance to owner builders as well as those looking to engage a local or volume builder. The Expo will also be attended by the many Supportive Suppliers who have rallied around our community giving free advice, honest service and significant discounts.

Exhibits will include a wide range of building materials including systems suitable for BAL‐FZ; earth construction, steel framing, brick, concrete and compressed block, plumbing, waste water solutions, alternate energy, fire and domestic water pumps, tools and equipment suppliers. We’ve also arranged some amusements for the kids while you listen, talk and browse.

Some people are well underway with their building plans but many of us are still at the getting ready stage. This will be a great opportunity to move forward. Our presenters and suppliers are sympathetic, they know what we’ve been through and it’s about information not the hard sell. The Expo is a free event although a donation to our CFA Brigade for parking would be appreciated.

For further information contact: Callum Donoghue 0414 932 051 or Karl Apted 0418 350 345