Tuesday, February 21, 2012

VFBV calling for volunteer opinions on Emergency Communications

APCO Australasia Conference & Exhibition
(APCO - Association of Public Communications Officials of Australia and New Zealand)

VFBV has been invited to make a presentation at the Australasian APCO Conference in early March 2012 where national and international communications executives and telecommunications industry leaders will assemble at this major trade conference and exhibition.

VFBV on behalf of CFA volunteers has been invited to make a presentation to this industry gathering, the title and theme of our presentation:

TITLE “If I could get what I wished for” – What Australia’s Volunteers (Fire-Fighters) want from public safety communications

We have been asked to provide the industry with an overview of the important role of the association and an insight into how we function – particularly how we provide a direct connection with people using communications equipment on the ground.

Representing VFBV will be Andrew Ford and Allan Monti

To assist our presenters with formulating the key aspects of the presentation, we seek your input on some of our initial thinking.

Some obvious areas we want to address are:
  • Interoperability and we mean seamless emergency service sector interoperability where there is no need for being laden with multiple communications hardware due to agency specific arrangements.
  • Guarantee of signal and signal strength integrity regardless of topography, environment or smoke.
  • Ability to communicate with your team – the hardware and technologies we currently use is so clunky that it will not be issued or worn due to it invasive style and configuration
  • At incident management level, management layers should have no barriers to communicate with inter-agency command through to incident ground personnel.
  • A cost effective solution to digital listening set choices that will meet the agency and community demands.

Do you have any further ‘wishes’ – don’t worry about technical solutions, just tell us what would be good to have in terms of functionality.

Please forward any comments or your opinions on the priority issues that VFBV should pursue at this opportune event to Allan Monti a.monti@vfbv.com.au before 6th March. Please feel free to canvas opinions from within your network of contacts.