Monday, February 8, 2010

Royal Commission updates and documents

Hi all,

As most members would know, the Royal Commission is back in session and daily summaries are again being posted on CFA Connect. To read these summaries, you need to register and logon to CFA Connect

Alternatively, you can read full transcripts from the previous day’s testimony at .

The focus of the Royal Commission this week has been submissions from the Counsel Assisting on the major fires from Black Saturday—and the responses from the State Government and other parties to each of the fires. At Monday’s sitting of the Commission, the focus was on the Kilmore East fire and members can read the various submissions here Of particular interest are the responses from the State Government, including the Submission on Kilmore East Fire (Other than on cause) document.


Kris Perkovic
Media & Marketing Coordinator
CFA Outer Metro Norwest Area