Monday, December 13, 2010

D14 Exercise - Thanks and congratulations from Euan Ferguson, Chief Officer

I was impressed at what I saw on Sunday morning at the Kangaroo Ground Level 3 Exercise. Although I was distracted by some phone calls about an international deployment, I was able to visit the ICC, be briefed by Brian, visit the Exercise Control and have a quick brief by Troy, then inspect the Staging Area. The exercise was well reported (in a very positive light) by the evening news.

I know that these things do not just happen. I also know the incredible challenges of bringing in so many people and keeping them busy at different levels.

I felt it was an outstanding success – at least the bits I saw. I am sure that others would have expressed similar views.

Gentlemen – THANK YOU! Job very well done! I know you probably slept soundly on Sunday evening, but keep up the great work! I appreciate your effort and we are very much the better for it.

Please pass on my thanks and congratulations to all who were involved in the planning and execution of the exercise last Sunday.


Euan Ferguson AFSM
Chief Officer
Country Fire Authority