Sunday, December 19, 2010

TFB Boundary Realignment Project

The fourth and final stage of the TFB Boundary Realignment Project (Implementation/Education) is nearing completion. Since the last TFB project update in October, a media campaign has been run that will conclude this week. TFB District signs are also being manufactured.

TFB Media Campaign – Complete

Fire Ready Victoria

The changes to the TFB districts have been advertised in all major metropolitan and regional newspapers and on all major metropolitan and regional radio stations during November and December. The last of these ads will appear this week. The new TFB districts were also included in the Premier’s mail out to all Victorian households in November.

RACV RoyalAuto Magazine

The RACV has assisted CFA by including an article on the new TFB districts in their December 2010/January 2011 edition of the Royal Auto magazine. This has a circulation of just over 1.4 million Victorians.

With the completion of the newspaper and radio ads this week, the TFB media campaign will be complete.

TFB District Signs – Underway

Following consultation with CFA Regions, 235 TFB District signs have been ordered and will be delivered in January. These signs will be installed close to where the each TFB district boundary intersects with a major road and will indicate which TFB district travellers are entering. Signs will also be located in other key areas such as major marinas, or river entrances. An example of what the signs will look like is shown below.
A final project update will be provided at the conclusion of the TFB District signs.

FYI – I have attached a presentation which may help with any local discussions.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Matthew Fraser
Operations Project Coordinator